Monday, February 16, 2009

Pretty Low Key

We are not really a big gesture kind of family. We don't really make a big deal out of much. Valentines Day is a couple of weeks before our anniversary, and our birthdays are 6 days apart. So making a huge deal out of every thing would kind of be overkill. And now that the kids are older, they don't want to be left out of anything.

So Valentines this year was pretty minimal as far as romance stuff goes. Hubby and I went out to dinner on Friday and ate way too much. But it was so good and we were alone! I told hubby I wanted a staple gun for my present and he wanted more money for his iTouch.

Saturday morning, the kids found their valentines on the counter--a Cars flashlight for ET and Lipsmackers for the girls. And a little heart full of candy for each. Of course they fought over who got what candy so we mixed them all up and then divided them. HA! We made heart shaped pancakes for breakfast with strawberry syrup (that the kids didn't even like!) Then we went shopping for stuff that we needed anyway. Lunch was popcorn chicken from the deli.

We let the kids 'make' valentines until they got bored. (pretty much construction paper, stickers and lots of glue.) Hubby even helped them with paint for the stamps. Two gluesticks later, they were ready for dinner. YUM--leftovers! (mine was from the restaurant) The kids got brownies for dessert and we played as many games as we could tolerate. The kids are now on a Cadoo kick and we have to play it every night.

I am pretty sure Jason and I fell asleep on the couch around 10pm.

I stuff, right?


Diana said...

At least you made it to dinner the night before. I had to work all day and came home with pizza and fell asleep a lot earlier then you on the couch. WOW! It is fun to get old. LOL

Shaunee said...

Sounds a lot like our day. With Zac's birthday the day before, Valentine's Day pretty much got looked over. Oh well! Next year!

Anonymous said...

Sounds grand! Love the lip smacker idea for the girls! I just made sugar cookies, frosted them with the kids and gained two pounds in the process.