Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I have been slacking lately.

And that slacking makes me short with my children.

I totally missed the General RS Meeting, and the subsequent airings on TV last week. We didn't watch Conference on Saturday. But we did DVR it. Sunday we made it mostly through one session. We played BINGO, which worked fantastically last conference but it really didn't hold the kids attention this time. So for the afternoon session, we mostly ate candy and shushed the kids. I can't even remember a single talk.

I am also working my way through the Book of Mormon. I set it up to read it in 90 days and I am on Day 98 right now. I have been on Moroni 6 for over a week now. I just can't finish it. I was reading every morning when I pumped because I was all alone. It was so peaceful and such a great way to start my day. But lately, the kids have been waking up within minutes of me. The first few days I tried to keep reading but the kids would talk to me and I would lose my place and become frustrated.

So this week, I am staring fresh. I have every session of Conference DVRed, including the RS session. My goal is to watch at least a talk a day. I am also going to finish the Book of Mormon tomorrow. If I can't do it in the morning, I will have hubby take all the kids to Karate so I can finish it then. Then I will start over. Everything just goes so much better when I take the time to inject a little bit of the Spirit into my day.

1 comment:

lauralquinton said...

Amen. I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. I also love that feeling of starting fresh with a goal in mind and the attitude and commitment to go with it!! Good luck...to the both of us!