Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Project Clean-up
And The Puke Rolls On...
So last night, Thumbelina had a relapse. And this morning, hubby is worshipping the porcelain god.
So our days of vomit aren't over yet...but at least this one can take care of it himself.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Thank You
(You know so hubby can take charge.)
Thumbelina started the puke party on Thursday night, and her sister followed nearly every hour of Saturday night, and her brother joined in the fun early Sunday morning in the hallway.
(I guess I should mention that my brother also fell prey to the peer pressure. Hubby and I are totally above caving to the pressure!)
So I apologize for my string of puke posts, and hope I have something new to post about soon.
Friday, January 23, 2009
It wasn't even a really conscious decision. It just sorta happened.
There I was. An empty hamper, an empty washer, and the final load in the dryer. Heck, I was even considering folding the clean laundry.
I should have realized it was too tempting for fate. I mean, how could fate not respond to this?!
And then, fate came through. Right as she always does...
A full hamper. A full washer. And the cycle begins again.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Since August.
It's also no secret that I am feeling much better these days.
...except for knowing that I still have 15 weeks left. :)
Another no brainer is that my children have been neglected during the sick times. For example, Munckin can recognize any character in any show on Noggin. Wubbzy-she loves him. Diego-she can sing along. Kailan, Miss Spider, the Backyardigans, Wonder Pets, and even the Ferocious Beast are all counted among her friends. Now, while this has helped build her vocabulary, it has also erased her ability to entertain herself. Her vocabulary almost makes up for it though!
So yesterday was the start of rehab. TV rehab. I am starting slow. They each get to pick 30 minutes of TV per day. Munchkin gets hers out of the way by 8am every day. Wubbzy. What else. Thumbelina gets hers while I am trying to make dinner. Thankfully, she is content to work her way through Letter Factory. ET is a bit harder to please. His choice is the last TV before bed. Last night his choice was Napolean Dynamite. Fun for all ages!
I know that right now may not be the best time to implement a plan like this. You know with the whole IT'S WINTER! thing. There is no playing outside, no going to the park or any other fun outdoor activities. I am pretty sure that the only thing that is making this plan even remotely possible is Valentine's Day, construction paper and stickers. Wish us luck!
(Side note: on the way to the doctor yesterday, I told the girls that it was going to snow again. Munckin groaned, and Thumbelina said, in a most wistful voice, "Oh, Mom. I miss summer!" Yeah, me too.)
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
St. Valentine
ET has already bought his Valentine cards, and asked his teacher how many kids are in his class.
The sad thing is: my kids think they are getting presents. I've tried to tell them that every holiday is not a present holiday. There was much confusion and a bit of anger on New Years. I told ET that he might get some candy and a little present. His face lit up as he asked, "Like a new BIKE?!!"
Try reasoning with an almost 6 year old. I am so losing!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
The Best Husband In The World
-He gets up every morning at 5am to go to work, and stays up late at night doing homework, but still lets me take a nap on Saturdays and Sundays.
-He is willing to cook if he is home.
-He understands my cravings, and is willing to drive through the snow to get them taken care of.
-He does everything for the first 5 months of my pregnancy, and carries the baby (when he's around) for the first nine months of it's life.
-He is okay with our dryer ironing system.
-Ramen is a totally acceptable dinner choice.
-He is a hands on Dad. During the week, I am in charge and he is my backup. On the weekends, he is in charge and I am just backup.
-If he is home and there is poop, he takes care of it.
-He understands a girl's need for a good steak.
-He only rolls his eyes a little when I am ready for bed at 8:30pm.
-He still loves me even though I fall asleep during every movie we rent.
-He gets up with crying kids at night.
-He bought me 200 pounds of ice melt so I don't have to shovel anymore.
-He goes along with my furniture rearranging without too much complaint...most of the time.
What more could a girl ask for?
I am thinking a new car...
Friday, January 16, 2009
5 Year Old Epiphany
(Unlike his sister who just makes things up. For example, apparently 'I like you' is spanish for 'I love you.' And adding an 'us' to the end of any word is not to be challenged--just accepted. Such as, 'It's so freeze-us today.')
His new tidbit of knowledge: Free.
This week at Karate, they told him that a particular class cost $10, but if he brought a friend, it would be free.
In his own words, "I am going to bring a friend so you don't have to pay. I like free. Free means it doesn't cost any money."
This week we are teaching him about the expense of dry cleaning...due to his refusal to listen to my 'take your tie off before you eat! I can't just throw that in the washer!' refrain. I just hope his piggy bank holds out.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
The End Of Etsy...Kinda
(Basically it states that in order to sell things intended for use by children 12 or under, I have to use a third party to safety test all of my products. This safety testing costs thousands of dollars...per item.)
While my pregnant body is rejoicing at the thought of never sewing again, my Paypal account is weeping. If they ever get this figured out, I will probably jump back on the Etsy wagon, but for now, I am done. Well, as done as I can be with three totes full of fleece sitting in my dining room.
Come February, I cannot sell any more baby toys. I think I am allowed to sell instructions still, but that doesn't help me get rid of any fleece!
We had a good run, Etsy. You mostly paid for Christmas this year. And look what I just ordered:

How cute are those?!
Anyway, now that I may have some free time, maybe I can finish up some of my own projects...like Thank you cards, or that blanket I started crocheting before ET was born, or the girls Christmas dresses that are effectively becoming their Valentine's dresses...or maybe I could just start with getting all my laundry folded.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Roughly forever.
I am due in May. Do you know how far away May is?! A whole freaking semester! My husband will have completed almost half of his total college completed during this pregnancy!
I have 115 days left. 115 days?! That is three digits!
I am 23 weeks pregnant. 23 weeks! And that is barely over half way!
(should we count all the exclamation points so far, people?!)
I guess it could be worse. I could be an elephant and not even a quarter of the way done yet.
And yet, I look at my maternity clothes and perhaps elephant isn't too far off...
Friday, January 9, 2009
Happy Birthday, Munchkin!

She left the gang when she finally had enough hair for pigtails, but just barely:
And then the party:
Oh wait, that's right. I didn't take any pictures of it! We had some family over, cake and ice cream, and lots of presents. Munchkin has been totally into Wow Wow Wubbzy for the past couple of months, and hubby happened upon a DVD. Munchkin screamed Wubbzy! Look it's Wow Wow Wubbzy! when she opened it! So now Munchkin has on demand wubbzy, and I have my DVR back.
One baby doll set, tinkerbelle backpack with extra baby accessories, books, bath submarine, and a zoo train from Grandma = one happy 2 year old and two jealous siblings.
Now if only we could get her hair to grow...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
"Hey! Why you being mean?!"
But best of all is the face that goes with it!
I am a little blah. I don't know how to describe what I am feeling. I tried to tell my husband and he laughed at me. We are having a girl. Our third girl. I was prepared for a boy. We (I) even had a name all picked out: Noah. Now I am not saying that I don't want this girl or that I am not thrilled at this new baby girl coming into our family. It's just that I was sure it would be a boy that would complete our family. I had been right on the other three so I was sure I was right with this one. So I find myself a little out of sorts, almost mourning the baby boy that never was. This is our last child, unless they figure a way for the men to have the babies...and then it is for sure our last one!
I think I have figured it out. We don't have a name for her. Not even a list that we like but can't decide between. I have been through my baby name book over and over. I have scoured the internet and I can't seem to find a name that I love. So this is where you come in, oh faithful readers. I need a name that is normal enough, but not common.
Does that make sense? Oh yeah, and it can't have any negative ties to anyone in my or hubby's past. Can you help me? Please help me!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

They play together well, and they fight well. But what kind of sisters would they be if they didn't?!
PS--Check out my new baby:
Monday, January 5, 2009
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Years Celebration
So this is a quick post to catch up on New Year's before the Week of the Munchkin begins. That's right. Munchkin turns 2 on Friday so this week is all about her...starting tomorrow.
New Years Eve: Hubby filled in at McGrath's so it was up to me to rock the party.
Dinner was chips and dip with Sparkling Apple Cider (or spicy apple juice).
Movie and popcorn followed in the playroom.
At about 8:15 ET told me the girls needed to go to bed...because they were already asleep!
ET made it until about 9:30 before he passed out.
Sleepover in the playroom. Munchkin's first. She woke up twice and Thumbelina woke up three times from her sore throat.
Early to bed, early to rise. 6:30am to be exact.
ET expected more presents. I told him he got a brand new year. He was not impressed.
Hope everyone is getting back into the swing of things. Life starts again for us tomorrow.