Wednesday, October 30, 2013

So What's new?

The boy earned his black belt after fronting $125 (his half) to take the test.  Now he's mentally checked out of karate, and doesn't even care if he goes ever.  But since our contract goes thru March--boy's going!
Hubby graduated with his MBA--finally, but with one more class to take in the summer.  But now he's officially DONE!!

My grandparents came to visit on their western trek.  It was fun to have everyone over for dinner and games.  More fun to see their fishy jams!

We moved---decided that since we were probably going to be here forever, we might as well put down roots and buy a house.  We bought a house that we really liked but that had room for improvement.  We played games instead of unpacking...Six days after we closed, hubby's work offered him his dream job in Seattle...UGH!
Thumbelina turned nine, and we tried to have a surprise party, but we were at a friends house after a baptism and she saw the secret invite on their fridge.
(In other news, Squirt turned 4 in May and had a Sofia Princess party with her besties before the one moved to Hawaii.

 School started--The boy in 5th grade, Thumbelina in 4th, Munchkin in 1st and Squirt in Preschool

The girls let me cut their hair.  But even now--months later--Squirt asks me, "Is my hair long yet?"

 The boy won a frog at the city carnival--spent tons of money on a cage, food and stuff.  The frog was happy, but didn't like our new place and died.

 And for proof that I am the meanest mom ever---for April fools day, I made the kids Brown E's for dessert.  Squirt kept crying and saying, "You're just joking--this is just paper!"  She was not amused, even when I pulled out the real brownies and let her have one.
 She'll get used to me eventually, right?

Up next, our Halloween post in which I dye my four-year-olds hair black for her costume.  Best mom EVER!!

1 comment:

  1. So what did you guys do about the job!?!

    I can't believe "the boy" is almost as tall as you!
