Sunday, April 26, 2009
A Burst of Creativity

Friday, April 24, 2009
Super Sale!
So in an effort to get things moving, I am having a super sale in my Etsy Shop. All of the sale items are already made and packaged, ready to ship. Most of the items in my shop are marked down from $15 to only $8. That's nearly 50% off! These make great baby shower gifts, or even first birthday presents. Munchkin still plays with hers.
This whole nesting thing would be a lot easier if I could lift the boxes myself!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Come On Out, Baby!
Then she continued, "I'm trying to stretch it bigger but it's not working!"
This is the second appointment where I haven't gained any weight. My diet of cake, brownies and ice cream is so working. Hopefully that continues after the baby is born.
But next week I see Dr. Buick Hands, and hubby will be done with classes and finals. That means a green light to have this baby. I am going to try to talk the doctor into inducing me Friday if I don't go on my own.
May 1st would be a good day to have a baby, don't you think?
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
What Do You Get...?
A suit of armor made out of track pieces, which he later muscled out of Hulk style:
And a cake. He had treat for FHE and decided he wanted to decorate a cake. Why yes, those are lemonheads on top. And a full bottle of sprinkles (he thought it had a shaker lid.) And enough frosting to induce a diabetic coma if you come within 10 feet. But he was proud of it.
Monday, April 20, 2009
But then I finally bought a ruler to go with my rotary cutter and mat. Straight lines are EASY--if you have the right tools! So I was able to start and finish the curtain in under three hours! I know that seems like a long time but I had to sew a little, then unplug my machine, plug in the iron, iron the seams, and then unplug the iron and plug in the sewing machine so I could sew the next part. (The circuits in our house are a bit tempermental, to say the least!) But I am proud of how it turned out--but mostly at how easy it was!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Not Feeling It
But once we got to church, Thumbelina started complaining of a headache. She sat by me and just wimpered through the sacrament. I took her out in the hallway and let her sit on my 'lap'. About 15 minutes after we left the chapel, she starts yelling that she's going to puke and we have to go to the bathroom NOW!
So today, I am thankful that we went to sit in the foyer. I am thankful that she is old enough to recognize the puke feeling in time to get to a toilet. I am thankful that her hair isn't long enough yet to be in the way.
But I am wondering if maybe we should have just stayed home.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009
At least three times a day I hear this. Crafts in our house (for the kids anyway) consists of scissors, glue sticks, stickers (left over from ET's 5th birthday party--I swear the stickers are multiplying!), markers, crayons, and construction paper.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
A Big Thank You
Then, Thumbelina woke up and got in on the action. "He said and!" "He said food!" She didn't seem to really understand that only certain words counted.
We were driving home from the airport during the afternoon session on Sunday, and hubby and I kept getting yelled at.
"Be quiet! I am trying to listen to conference!"
You can't say he wasn't dedicated...to getting more candy at least.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Things I Miss
*Laying on my stomach or back.
*Laying on my right side for more than 20 minutes.
*Sleeping with just one pillow.
*Being able to lay next to my husband in our King size bed.
(I am not that big it just takes a lot of energy to scoot out of bed so I just sleep on the edge.)
*Being able to snuggle with my kids on the couch.
*Having a lap.
*FOOD! With the other pregnancies, I could have given you a list of specific foods--bacon, orange juice, tomato anything, onions--that just gave me heartburn. But this time, I miss yogurt. Something about the consistency, I just can't do it.
*Shoes that tie.
*Shoes period. I am down to two pairs of flip flops and it's snowing! (It was when I wrote this.)
*Snuggly blankets. I got the greatest blanket for Christmas and so want to use it!
*My ankles. I used to have them--bony ones even.
*Rolling over in my sleep. Now it's a whole production to get this body onto the other side.
*And I really miss pants. Skirts are just easier right now.
*Bending over. ET asked for help tying his shoes yesterday and it was awkward to say the least.
But when I went to the doctor yesterday, I was 60% effaced and 1 cm dialated. Which most likely means nothing! But at the very least I only have 4 weeks to go. With hubby's finals, ET's karate tournament, and everything else, I am really shooting for May 3rd so my husband's head doesn't explode. You should have seen his face when I told him my water broke on April Fools.