Life has gotten a little out of control lately. Not really but it so seems that way in my head. I am desperately trying to get somewhat organized so my house isn't just a series of piles. Here is what I have been able to accomplish:
1. I bought
this for ET, and have him get his weeks clothes ready on Saturday or Sunday.
2. I bought
this (just the bench) for our table (and will show you a picture as soon as my craft stuff vacates said table) so we actually have enough seating.
3. Our bathrooms are seriously lacking towel rods. The kids bathroom has a peg board on the wall that we use for their towels, but mostly the towels would fall off and just be a huge pile on the floor. So I took 30 minutes and sewed a loop of ribbon on each towel so they will stay on the pegs.

4. I bought laundry hampers for everyone's bedrooms. My washer and dryer are on the landing between the kitchen and what used to be the garage. So most times when I fall behind on the laundry, the landing gets completely covered by dirty laundry. So if they have hampers in their rooms, the laundry piles up there.
5. I finally went through all the junk that has been cluttering my dining room since Thanksgiving. We filled up our garbage, our neighbors garbage and our recycle bin...on Monday. (I am so glad it is Friday and they are coming to empty it!) I semi-sorted my craft totes and stacked them in Munchkin's room.
6. I have a chore book that, if followed, will give me a clean house. Monday and Thursday are laundry days, Tuesday is dusting and vacuuming, Wednesday is bathrooms, and Friday is Kitchen. So far, I have been doing okay on the laundry days. I finished my huge pile of months of laundry on Saturday, and then had the laundry done again by Tuesday. Yesterday I almost got everything washed and dried. And I have trained the kids to put away their own clothes. The kids did the bathroom for me yesterday...well, kind of.
So in between folding the laundry and cleaning the kitchen today, I am making sugar cookies for the kids, Valentine decorations to put up tonight, and ET's birthday shirt. Oh yeah, and then there is the matter of my bedroom and vacuuming the whole house and putting new stuff in my shop. Tomorrow, we are having a Valentine party family day so I want to get everything else done today. Wish me luck...